Fund Snapshot

The IPE Global Technology Fund:

  • is an open-ended single investment strategy equity product;
  • undertakes investments in technology based listed companies:
    • in which earnings are derived primarily from the development of new technologies;
    • development and improvement in existing technologies; and/or
    • companies transforming operations to incorporate new and emerging technologies.
  • is capital growth focussed resulting in irregular income distributions;
  • invests globally in technology based and/or materially influenced listed companies;
  • has a bias to US equity exposure;
  • non-AUD exposures are likely to be significant and are not hedged;
  • is a high conviction portfolio with a maximum of 25 positions;
  • invests with a 5 year minimum investment horizon;
  • may hold cash subject to finding suitable investments;
  • has no gearing or exposure to any derivative positions;
  • has a net return objective to the investor of 10.0%; and
  • is an absolute return strategy and so is index unaware.