Fund Infrastructure


Trustee & Custodian


VT No. 2 Pty Ltd (ACN 644 230 071)


Investment Manager


Iron Pot Equities Pty Ltd (ACN 637 888 398)


Administration Manager


Vasco Fund Services Pty Limited (ACN 610 512 331)
Level 4, 99 Williams Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Services including Fund Accounting, Registry and Compliance




The Investment Manager is a corporate authorised representative (No. 001293105) of D H Flinders Pty Ltd (AACN 141 601 596) of Level 4, 99 Williams Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

Change to Licensor

On 12 February 2024, the Investment Manager (Iron Pot Equities Pty Ltd ACN 637 888 398) was granted an Australian Financial Services License, AFSL 548 941, which enables it to carry on a financial service business to provide general financial product advice or deal in a financial product to wholesale clients.

In accordance with the instructions from the Investment Manager, D H Flinders Pty Ltd ACN 141 601 596 AFSL 353 001 will cease to be the AFS licensor for the Investment Manager, who will instead operate under its own AFSL 548 941 in performing its role and function as the Investment Manager of the Fund, effective from 4 July 2024.
From 4 July 2024, all references to D H Flinders Pty Ltd as the AFS licensor to the Investment Manager is removed from the IM, and replaced with the authorisations granted to the Investment Manager by virtue of its holding of the AFSL 548 941.




Bell Potter Securities Limited (AFSL No. 243480)
GPO Box 4718, Melbourne VIC 3001


Unit Classes


The Trustee of the fund intends to only issue units in one unit class.


Investment Structure


The Fund is an open-ended unlisted unregistered managed investment scheme structured as a unit trust.


Minimum Investment


AUD$250,000 subject to the Trustee’s absolute discretion to accept applications for lesser amounts.

