
Trust Fees Buy/sell spread +/- 0.25% cap
Investment Manager Fees Management fee 0.75% per annum of the Fund's Net Asset Value.
  Performance fee 20% of the return over 10% per annume on a rolling 3 year basis and subject to a High Water Mark.
Trustee Fees Establishment Fee $14,500
  Information Memorandum $3,500
  Annual Fee
  • 0.10% pa of the Fund’s gross assets on amounts up to $100m; then
  • 0.05% pa of the Fund’s gross assets on amounts greater than $100m but less than $500m.
  • The annual fee is subject to a minimum annual fee of $25,000
  Regulatory Levy Recovery $1,000 + $60 per $1m of gross asset value.
  Termination Fee $14,500
Administrator Fees Administration Fee
  • $15,000 pa where less than 25 unitholders; or
  • $25,000 pa where there are 25 to 50 unit holders; or
  • After 50 unit holders, a fee to be agreed.
Other Expenses The Trustee or relevant party appointed by the Trustee is entitled to be paid or reimbursed for expenses associated with establishing and the operation of the Fund.  


For more detail on fees, refer to Section 5. of the Information memorandum. See here
